 LIU Qingan,LI Yan,ZHU Shunguan,et al.A New p-t Curve Test Method for Delay Time of Delay Composition[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2019,48(03):59-64.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2019.03.012]





A New p-t Curve Test Method for Delay Time of Delay Composition
LIU Qing’an LI Yan ZHU Shunguan YUAN Bin
School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
delay composition delay time p-t curve delay accuracy
A new p-t curve recording system for testing the burning rate testing of delay composition is established by using pressure measuring component, high voltage arc igniter, pressure transmitter, oscilloscope, et al. Arc generated between metal needle and extension body metal tube shell of high voltage arc igniter ignites extension body, and an-oscilloscope records p-t curve of pressure measuring component during combustion process, and the burning time of delay composition was obtained by taking appropriate points. The delay time of second-level and millisecond-level extension body were measured by p-t curve method and photoelectric method respectively, and the results were compared. The delay accuracy of second-level extension body calculated are 3.35% and 3.43% by photoelectric method and p-t curve method. The delay accuracy of millisecond-level extension body are 12.21% and 18.96% calculated by photoelectric method and p-t curve method respectively. The results show that the p-t curve test system is feasible for the test of the delay time of the second-level and millisecond-level delay composition. It can reflect the real combustion state of the extension body, and meet the thermal insulation need of the extension body test at high and low temperatures.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-05-20