[1]张宇庭 徐振洋 闫祎然 宋家威 秦涛.封闭体系内丁烷-空气预混气体爆炸的试验研究[J].爆破器材,2024,53(01):51-56.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2024.01.008]
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Experimental Study on the Explosion of Premixed Gas of Butane and Air in a Closed System
张宇庭 徐振洋 闫祎然 宋家威 秦涛
ZHANG Yuting XU Zhenyang YAN Yiran SONG Jiawei QIN Tao
School of Mining Engineering, University of Science and Technology Liaoning (Liaoning Anshan, 114051)
premixed gas closed pipeline explosion pressure flame speed
TQ560.7; X932
In order to investigate the combustion and explosion characteristics of butane-air premixed gases with various concentrations in enclosed pipelines, a squareshaped sealed experimental pipeline was utilized to conduct explosion tests on butaneair premixed gas with different volume fractions of butane. The results indicate that it goes through three stages including initial pressure rise, secondary pressure rise, and pressure decrease in gas explosion. As the concentration of butane gas increases, the increase rate of explosion pressure, maximum flame velocity, and flame acceleration all show a trend of first increasing and then decreasing. When the volume fraction of butane is 5%, the above parameters all reach their peak. In pipelines containing water, the change trends of explosion pressure in the gas phase and liquid phase are basically the same, but compared to pipelines without water, the pressure changes are smoother, and the maximum explosion pressure and pressure increase rate are lower. It provides a theoretical basis for the study on combustible gas explosion.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-01-12