 HE Zhiwei,ZHU Wenyu,GE Yuqiang,et al.Feasibility Study on Substitution of Aluminum Powder in Aluminized Emulsion Explosive with Aluminum Ash[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2023,52(02):26-32.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2023.02.006]





Feasibility Study on Substitution of Aluminum Powder in Aluminized Emulsion Explosive with Aluminum Ash
HE Zhiwei ZHU Wenyu GE Yuqiang XIONG Jiawen WANG Yangwen MENG Tao
① School of Chemical Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology (Anhui Huainan, 232000)
② Wuhu Conch Cement Co., Ltd. (Anhui Wuhu, 241000)
emulsified explosive aluminum ash thermal safety detonation performance storage stability
Aluminum ash, the waste by-product produced in the process of industrial aluminum production, is used as a substitute for aluminum to make emulsified explosive. It can effectively reduce the production cost of emulsified explosive containing aluminum, and it is also a new way of energy saving and recycling of aluminum ash. Thermal safety, detonation performance and storage stability of the new type of aluminum-ash emulsion explosive were studied by TGA-FTIR thermal analysis, lead column compression, blasting funnel method, electrical measurement and high and low temperature cycle. Results show that the thermal decomposition performance of the emulsion explosive prepared by adding 10% (mass fraction) primary aluminum ash has little difference from that of the ordinary aluminized emulsion explosive. In addition, compared with the ordinary emulsion explosive, the work capacity of the emulsion explosive with aluminum ash has been greatly improved, and the blasting volume has been increased by about 50%, while there is no obvious difference in the performance of the strength, detonation speed and mechanical sensitivity. There is little difference between the storage stability of emulsion explosive with aluminum ash and that of emulsion explosive with aluminum powder or that of ordinary emulsion explosive. It is feasible to prepare aluminumcontaining emulsion explosive with aluminum ash instead of aluminum powder.


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第一作者:何志伟(1979-),男,副教授,硕导,主要从事含能材料配方的研究。E-mail: 751601138@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-03-30