 WU Qing,XIA Yunpeng,ZHANG Yaoliang,et al.Blasting Demolition of Large-Area Factory Buildings in Thermal Power Plant under Complex Environment[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2022,51(02):52-58.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2022.02.009]





Blasting Demolition of Large-Area Factory Buildings in Thermal Power Plant under Complex Environment
WU Qing XIA Yunpeng①② ZHANG Yaoliang ZHANG Wenbin
① School of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Zhenjiang, 212000)
② Jiangsu Changjiang Blasting Engineering Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Zhenjiang, 212000)
demolition blasting large-area factory buildings blasting parameters delay time safety calculation protective measures
探究了复杂环境下火电厂大面积厂房的爆破拆除技术。结合江苏省镇江市谏壁电厂主厂房爆破拆除实例,基于厂房结构和施工难点分析,选择双梯形组合的爆破切口和分区域、逐跨、逐段延时起爆技术,辅以覆盖防护、近体防护、遮挡防护、重点保护目标主动防护、开挖减振沟等防护措施,严密组织施工,对爆破振速和超压进行了采集。结果表明:最大爆破振速为0.864 cm/s,最大爆破超压为1.5 kPa,均小于安全允许数值,防护措施取得良好的效果。爆后,厂区内设备设施正常运行。可为类似工程提供参考。
Blasting demolition of large-area factory building in thermal power plant under complex environment was explored. Blasting demolition of the main factory building of Jianbi Thermal Power Plant in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province was taken as an example. Based on the plant structure and construction difficulties, double trapezoidal combined blasting incision, and initiation technology of span by span and section by section in sub region were selected. Protective measures such as covering protection, near body protection, shielding protection, active protection of key protection targets, excavation of vibration damping ditch were supplemented. The blasting construction was carefully organized, and the blasting vibration speed and overpressure were collected. Results show that the maximum vibration speed is 0.864 cm/s, the maximum overpressure of 1.5 kPa, and both are less than the safety allowable values. The protective measures achieve good results. Equipment sand facilities in the plant operate normally after explosion. It can provide reference for similar projects.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-04-06