 YUAN Shuai,WANG Qinghui,WANG Danfeng,et al.Research Progress of Preventive and Control Measures for Dust Explosion[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2017,46(04):13-20.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2017.04.003]





Research Progress of Preventive and Control Measures for Dust Explosion
YUAN Shuai WANG Qinghui WANG Danfeng YANG Ningchang
①College of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University (Heilongjiang Daqing, 163318)
②No.3 Oil Production Plant, Daqing Oilfield Co., Ltd. (Heilongjiang Daqing, 163113)
dust explosion explosion mechanism prevention measures
With the development of modern industrialization, powder technology has been widely used. However, the danger of different materials dusts is not well understood, especially the lack of in systematic and indepth developments in dust explosion mechanism, prevention and control technology of grain dust and metal dust, and in effective safety protection of dust explosion, which result in more and more dust explosion accidents in recent years. For the prevention, controlling and deep understanding of dust explosion, the mechanisms and boundary conditions were introduced and explained. Furthermore, current experimental research in protection of dust explosion was summarized in view of inerting technology, explosion technology, and explosion suppression technology. The shortcoming of current protection was analyzed and the direction of future development was proposed to provide guidance for dust explosion protection research.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2017-06-13