 CAO Wei,GUO Xiangli,DUAN Yingliang,et al.Detonation Heat of TATB-based Aluminized Explosive in Different Atmospheres[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2016,45(02):34-37.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2016.02.008]





Detonation Heat of TATB-based Aluminized Explosive in Different Atmospheres
CAO Wei GUO Xiangli DUAN Yingliang ZAN Jichao HAN Yong LIU Shijun
Institute of Chemical Materials, China Academy of Engineering Physics (Sichuan Mianyang, 621900)
explosion mechanics TATB-based aluminized explosive detonation heat explosion products afterburning reaction
为了测定三氨基三硝基苯(TATB)基含铝炸药在不同气氛中的爆热,使用绝热式量热弹对其压装药在真空、0.1 MPa氮气、0.1 MPa空气、0.1 MPa氧气和1.5 MPa氧气条件下的爆热进行了测量,研究了其能量释放规律,并使用X射线衍射(XRD)对固相产物成分进行了分析。结果表明:TATB基含铝炸药在真空、0.1 MPa氮气、0.1 MPa空气、0.1 MPa氧气和1.5 MPa氧气条件下的爆热依次增加;环境中压力的增加会导致爆热值增大,在0.1 MPa氮气中,TATB基含铝炸药的爆热值比真空中增加了15.7%。环境中氧气量的增加也使爆热值增大:0.1 MPa空气中的爆热值比0.1 MPa氮气中增加了7.8%,0.1 MPa氧气中的爆热值比0.1 MPa氮气中高出49.7%,1.5 MPa氧气中的爆热值比0.1 MPa氮气中高出146.1%。在富氧气氛下测试TATB基含铝炸药的爆热时,所测爆热接近于炸药的燃烧热,且爆炸产物的XRD结果也表明Al粉已基本氧化完全。同时,在0.1 MPa氮气气氛下没有检测到氮化物AlN的存在。该方法可对不同气氛下含铝炸药的爆热进行测量,并对爆炸产物中Al的存在形式进行分析。
To measure the heat generation of triaminotrinitrobenzene(TATB)-based aluminized explosive in different atmospheres, the exotherm of pressed charge in vacuum, 0.1 MPa nitrogen, 0.1 MPa air, 0.1 MPa oxygen and 1.5 MPa oxygen were measured by adiabatic calorimetric bomb and the energy release rule was studied.Then the solid explosion products were detected by Xray diffraction (XRD). Results show that the heat output of TATBbased aluminized explosive increased gradually in the sequence of vacuum, 0.1 MPa nitrogen, 0.1 MPa air, 0.1 MPa oxygen and 1.5 MPa oxygen; the increase of atmospheric pressure results in the increase of heat output, which is shown that the heat output in 0.1 MPa nitrogen increased by 15.7% than that in vacuum; and the heat output increases with the increase of oxygen amount in atmosphere, which is verified by the conclusion that the heat output in 0.1 MPa air was 7.8% larger than that in 0.1 MPa nitrogen, the heat output in 0.1 MPa oxygen was 49.7% higher than that in 0.1 MPa nitrogen, and the heat output in 1.5MPa oxygen was 146.1% higher than that in 0.1 MPa nitrogen. In the case that the heat output of TATB-based aluminized explosive was measured in oxygen-rich atmosphere, the measured heat  output was close to the combustion heat, and the XRD of the explosion products verified that the aluminum powders were almost completely oxidized. Meanwhile, AlN was not detected in 0.1MPa nitrogen. It provides a method to measure the heat output of aluminized explosives and analyze the existing form of aluminum element in explosion products.


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作者简介:曹威(1988~ ),男,博士,助理研究员,主要从事炸药爆轰安全性能研究。E-mail: weicao668@163.com
通信作者:郭向利(1987~ ),女,硕士,助理研究员,主要从事炸药爆轰安全性能研究。E-mail: g-x_l@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-03-28