[1]梁书锋①,王建国②,李鹏飞③,等.40 m青砖烟囱定向控制爆破拆除技术[J].爆破器材,2018,47(04):60-64.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2018.04.011]
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40 m青砖烟囱定向控制爆破拆除技术()




Demolition of a 40 m-high Black Brick Chimney by Directional Controlled Blasting
LIANG Shufeng WANG Jianguo LI Pengfei MA Jun CHEN Zhou HE Jin
①School of Mechanics & Civil Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing) (Beijing, 100083)
② College of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Yunnan Agricultural University (Yunnan Kunming, 650201)
③R&D Institute of Yunnan provincial Administration of Secience, Technology and Industry for National Defence(Yunnan Kunming, 650034)
④ Yunnan Anke security technology Co., Ltd.(Yunnan Kunming,650041)
brick chimney blasting demolition directional controlled demolition complex environment
介绍了复杂环境条件下采用定向控制爆破技术拆除一座40 m高青砖混凝土结构烟囱的工程实例。烟囱的结构特点及周围密集的建筑物,使得对烟囱倒塌方向的精准度要求极高。通过计算分析,选择了合理的爆破技术方案,选用三角形定向窗保证倒塌的准确性,确定了合适的爆破参数;同时,对爆破前的预处理及爆破时的防护措施进行了完善。最终,烟囱爆破拆除圆满成功,并取得了良好的爆破效果。可为类似工程案例提供参考。
A project of a 40 m-high brick chimney demolished in the way of directional basting under the complica ted environment with many buildings nearby. Because of chimney characters and congested surrounding environment, the chimney collapse direction in high precision should be ensured. Blasting scheme was chosen by careful analysis and calculation. Blasting cuts, collapse direction and blasting network were determined. Triangle directional windows were selected to guarantee the accuracy of collapse. And the reasonable demolition parameters, pretreatment and protective measures were taken to ensure the success. Good blasting outcome was achieved, and it could provide a reference for similar demolition projects.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-06-27