 CHANG Jian,WANG Linjian,WANG Shoubai,et al.Research on Aqueous Phase Formulation and Application of a Waste Engine Oil-Based Emulsion Explosive[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2024,53(01):36-42.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2024.01.006]





Research on Aqueous Phase Formulation and Application of a Waste Engine Oil-Based Emulsion Explosive
CHANG Jian WANG Linjian WANG Shoubai XIE Feng XU Boming
North Blasting Technology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, 100089)
emulsion explosives aqueous phase waste engine oil sodium chloride detonation velocity
在研究废机油资源化应用的基础上,对国外某特大型矿山使用的乳化炸药的成本进行优化,制备了以少量氯化钠代替硝酸钠作为水相添加剂的废机油型乳化炸药,并对其水相析晶点、储存期、泵送次数、抗颠簸性能、爆速及爆后岩石块度进行基础性试验研究。结果表明:添加氯化钠可以降低水相析晶点10 ℃左右;制备的乳化炸药储存稳定性良好,满足多次泵送和长距离运输的需求;爆速可以到达4 600 m/s以上;殉爆距离为14 cm。虽性能略有降低,但不影响正常使用,爆破后的岩石块度符合矿山铲运要求。相比原有配方,废机油型乳化炸药的成本可以节约49.59美元/t,具有一定的实用价值和经济效益。
On the basis of research on the resource utilization of waste engine oil, the cost of emulsion explosives in a super large mine aboard was optimized, and a waste engine oil-based emulsion explosive was prepared with a small amount of sodium chloride instead of sodium nitrate as an aqueous additive. A basic experimental study was conducted to obtain its water phase crystallization point, storage period, pumping frequency, resistance to turbulence, detonation speed, and rock fragmentation after detonation. The results show that the addition of sodium chloride can reduce the crystallization point of the aqueous phase by about 10 ℃, and the prepared emulsion explosive has good storage stability, which can meet the needs of multiple pumping and long-distance transportation. The detonation speed can reach over 4 600 m/s, with a martyrdom distance of 14 cm. Although the blasting performance is slightly reduced, it does not affect the use in mining blasting. The rock fragmentation after blasting meets the requirements of mining excavation. Compared with the cost of the original formula, the cost of emulsion explosive can be saved by 49.59 dollars/t, which has certain practical value and economic benefits.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-01-12