 ZHAO Dong,QU Kepeng,DONG Zelin.Research Progress on Damage and Ignition Characteristics of Condensed Phase Explosives[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2024,53(03):1-9,16.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2024.03.001]





Research Progress on Damage and Ignition Characteristics of Condensed Phase Explosives
ZHAO Dong QU Kepeng DONG Zelin
Xi’an Modern Chemistry Research Institute (Shaanxi Xi’an, 710065)
explosive damage simulation experiment damage observation hot spot ignition characteristic
TQ560.7; O389
High energy explosives are the source of energy for the destruction of various weapons and ammunition. Study on the damage and ignition characteristics of high-energy explosives (condensed phase explosives) is of great significance for the safety of weapons and ammunition. The research progress on the damage and ignition characteristics of condensed phase explosives was introduced from four aspects: molding process, experimental simulation of damage, observation and characterization of damage, and damage-ignition correlation. Firstly, the influence of molding processes such as press-fitting, pouring, and melting and casting on the initial damage of the charge was explored. Secondly, the generation of damage, experimental simulation, observation and characterization methods of damage during the use of condensed phase explosives were summarized. Furthermore, the damage-hot spot-ignition process of explosives was analyzed in terms of the typical types of damage. Finally, based on the analysis of the current research status, the future development trends and challenges of damage-ignition characteristics of condensed phase explosives were proposed.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-06-03