 WU Xingliang,WANG Hongsong,LI Wenhai,et al.Experimental Study on Critical Response Threshold of-RDX and HMX under Mechanical Stimulation[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2020,49(06):9-14.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2020.06.002]





Experimental Study on Critical Response Threshold of-RDX and HMX under Mechanical Stimulation
吴星亮王红松李文海徐飞扬蒋宇轩徐森刘大斌刘英 蔡佩成文峰
WU Xingliang WANG Hongsong LI Wenhai XU Feiyang JIANG Yuxuan XU Sen LIU Dabin LIU Ying CAI Pei CHENG Wenfeng
①School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
②Nanjing Customs Testing Center for Dangerous Goods and Packaging (Jiangsu Changzhou, 213022)
③Institute of Explosive Engineering and Safety Technology, China North Industries Group Co., Ltd. (Beijing, 100053)
④Jiangxi Ganhua Security Technology Co., Ltd. (Jiangxi Nanchang, 330001)
energetic materials impact sensitivity friction sensitivity safety
为了研究RDX和HMX在机械刺激下的临界反应阈值以及丙酮重结晶工艺对它们的影响,采用BAM撞击感度仪和摩擦感度仪测试了不同温度条件下的临界撞击能量和临界摩擦力。结果显示,80、60、40 ℃和25 ℃下,RDX的临界撞击能量分别为5.0、7.5、7.5、7.5 J,HMX的分别为4.0、4.0、5.0、5.0 J;RDX的临界摩擦力分别为120、120、128、144 N,HMX的分别为108、108、108、120 N。丙酮重结晶后,RDX在25 ℃的临界撞击能量和临界摩擦力分别为5.0 J、128 N;HMX在80、60、40 ℃和25 ℃下的临界撞击能量均为7.5 J,临界摩擦力分别为108、108、120、128 N。撞击感度和摩擦感度的结果表明:在25~80 ℃范围内,RDX和HMX的机械感度随着温度的提高呈下降趋势,重结晶工艺对RDX和HMX的机械感度存在着一定的影响。
To study critical response threshold of RDX and HMX under mechanical stimulation and their variations under the influence of acetone recrystallization process, BAM fallhammer and BAM friction apparatus were used to test the critical impact energy and critical friction at different temperatures. Results show that, at 80, 60, 40 ℃ and 25 ℃, critical impact energies of RDX are 5.0, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5 J, and those of HMX are 4.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0 J, respectively. Critical frictions of RDX are 120, 120, 128, 144 N, and those of HMX are 108, 108, 108, 120 N, respectively. Afteracetone recrystallization, critical impact energy and the critical friction of RDX at 25 ℃ are 5.0 J and 128 N, respectively. Critical impact energies of HMX at 80, 60, 40 ℃ and 25 ℃ are 7.5 J, and critical frictional forces are 108, 108, 120 N and 128 N, respectively. Results of impact sensitivity and friction sensitivity indicate that the overall mechanical sensitivities of RDX and HMX show a downward trend with increasing temperature in the range of 25-80 ℃, and the recrystallization process has a certain influence on the mechanical sensitivity of RDX and HMX.


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