 LI Yuyan,WANG Hongsong,JIANG Rongpei,et al.Flame Propagation Characteristics of Premixed N2O and C2H4[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2019,48(06):33-38.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2019.06.007]





Flame Propagation Characteristics of Premixed N2O and C2H4
LI Yuyan WANG Hongsong JIANG Rongpei LI Zhipeng ZHU Xinyu XU Sen PAN Feng XIE Lifeng
① School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
② Nanjing Customs Testing Center for Dangerous Goods and Packaging (Jiangsu Changzhou,213022)
③ Beijing Insitute of Aerospace Testing Technology (Beijing, 100074)
premixed gas experimental study numerical simulation N2O-C2H4
Flame propagation of premixed N2O-C2H4 in a horizontal semi-closed tube was numerically simulated by using the standard k-ε model. Time dependence of flame front structure, propagation velocity, outlet pressure, and flow speed in combustion zone was obtained. The results show that the process of premixed flame propagation in tube could be divided into three stages, which are plane flame propagation stage, tulip flame propagation stage and finger flame propagation stage. Flame acceleration presents the exponential trend, and pressure at the vent of the tube and flow speed of the premixed mixture first increase and then decline. At the same time, high speed photographic system, pressure sensor, and PMMA tube were used to study on the flame speed and pressure, which agree with the simulated results.


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基金项目:国防科技创新特区项目第一作者:李玉艳(1985-),女,博士研究生,主要从事推进剂安全性能相关研究。E-mail: lyy.piao@163.com
通信作者:潘峰(1971-),男,副教授,主要从事含能材料相关研究。E-mail: pfhycc@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-12-04