 YU Qian,GUO Ziru,HE Zhiwei,et al.Experimental Study on Heat Resistance of Typical Industrial Explosives[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2019,48(01):47-51,57.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2019.01.009]





Experimental Study on Heat Resistance of Typical Industrial Explosives
安徽理工大学化学工程学院 (安徽淮南, 232001)
YU Qian GUO Ziru HE Zhiwei LIU Feng
School of Chemical Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology (Anhui Huainan, 232001)
工业炸药高温爆破热分解 耐热
industrial explosives high temperature blasting thermal decomposition heat resistance
针对工业炸药实际应用于露天深孔煤矿火区高温爆破的现状,在实验室规模下模拟高温炮孔加热技术,用这种实验技术来分析两种典型添加物质对铵油炸药热分解特性的影响,以及对比铵油炸药、乳化炸药和水胶炸药耐高温性能。研究结果表明:相对于其他两种工业炸药,铵油炸药的耐热性能更好,更适用于火区高温爆破;在铵油炸药中添加5 %(质量分数)NH4Cl,分解反应峰温度降低了24.8 ℃,并且缩短了样品到达恒定的烘箱温度的时间,NH4Cl 的加入显著降低了铵油炸药的耐热性;在铵油炸药中添加5%(质量分数)Na2SO4,延长了样品到达恒定的烘箱温度的时间,提高了铵油炸药的耐温性能。结果为耐热工业炸药配方设计提供了依据。
Aiming at application of industrial explosives in the high temperature blasting in the fire zone of open-pit deep coal mine, simulated high temperature blast hole heating technology was studied. This experimental technique was used to analyze the effect of two typical additives on thermal decomposition characteristics of ammonium explosives, and performances of high temperature resistance of ammonium explosives, emulsion explosives and water gel explosives were compared. The results show that, compared with the other two kinds of industrial explosives, ammonium explosive exhibits better high temperature resistance, and thus is more suitable for high temperature blasting in the fire area. Adding 5% NH4Cl to ammonium explosive decreased the peak temperature in thermal decomposition reaction by 24.8 ℃, and it also shortens the time of samples to reach the constant temperature of the oven, indicating that the addition of NH4Cl significantly reduces the heat resistance of the ammonium explosive. Adding 5% Na2SO4 to ammonium explosive, time of the ammonium explosive to arrive at the same constant temperature as the oven has been expanded, and it has improved the heat resistance of ammonium explosive. It provides a basis for the design of heat-resistant industrial explosives.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2019-01-17