 SU Hao,ZHONG Haixia,CAO Yong,et al.Experimental Investigation of the Minimum Ignition Energy and the Minimum Ignition Temperature of Zirconium Dust Cloud[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2019,48(02):25-31,36.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2019.02.005]





Experimental Investigation of the Minimum Ignition Energy and the Minimum Ignition Temperature of Zirconium Dust Cloud
SU Hao ZHONG Haixia CAO Yong LI Bin
① School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
② Changzhou Tiancheng Safety Evaluation Co., Ltd. (Jiangsu Changzhou, 213000)
zirconium dust cloud minimum ignition energy (MIE) minimum ignition temperature (MIT)
为研究锆金属粉尘云燃烧的基础特性参数,从而为其安全性能提供依据,采用哈特曼管试验系统和最低着火温度测定系统分别对锆金属粉尘云的最小点火能(MIE)和最低着火温度(MIT)开展试验研究。分别研究了锆金属粉尘云质量浓度、点火延迟时间和喷粉压力对MIE的影响,以及粉尘云质量浓度对MIT的影响。结果得出:中位径为33.49 μm的锆金属粉尘云的MIE在1~3 mJ之间;在50~500 g/m3质量浓度范围下,随着质量浓度增大,MIE先减小后增大,在质量浓度为400 g/m3时达到最小;点火延迟时间从10 ms增至180 ms,MIE先减小后增大,在60 ms时达到最小;喷粉压力从0.4 MPa增至1.0 MPa,MIE先减小后增大,在0.6~0.8 MPa间达到最小。该粒度锆金属粉尘云的MIT为210 ℃左右,在一定浓度范围下,MIT随粉尘浓度的增加而减小。
In order to study the basic characteristic parameters of zirconium dust cloud to provide a basis for its safety performance, experimental research on zirconium dust cloud was carried out. The minimum ignition energy (MIE) and the minimum ignition temperature (MIT) of zirconium dust cloud were tested by Hartmann tube system and Godbert-Greenwald furnace, respectively. Influences of mass concentration, ignition delay time and powder injection pressure on MIE, and influence of mass concentration on MIT were studied. The experimental results show that MIE of zirconium dust cloud with median diameter of 33.49 μm is between 1mJ and 3 mJ. MIE decreases first and then increases with the increase of mass concentration in the range of 50 g/m3 and 500 g/m3, and reaches its minimum when mass concentration is 400 g/m3. MIE decreases first and then increases when ignition time increases from 10 ms to 180 ms, and reaches its minimum at 60 ms. MIE decreases first and then increases with the increases of powder injection pressure from 0.4 MPa to 1.0 MPa, and the optimum pressure is between 0.6 MPa and 0.8 MPa. MIT of zirconium dust cloud is around 210 ℃. MIT reduces with the increase of concentration.


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第一作者:苏浩(1994- ),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为粉尘爆炸。 E-mail:sstmay@163.com
通信作者:李斌(1984- ),男,讲师,研究方向为防火防爆技术。E-mail:libin@njust.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-04-01