 CUI Ping,FAN Zhifeng,XU Jingqing,et al.A Review of Electromagnetic Acoustic Non-destructive Testing Technology for Structural Defects of Projectile[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2017,46(01):6-12.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2017.01.002]





A Review of Electromagnetic Acoustic Non-destructive Testing Technology for Structural Defects of Projectile
CUI Ping①② FAN Zhifeng①② XU Jingqing①② WEN Jian①②
① Department of Ammunition Engineering, Ordnance Engineering College (Hebei Shijiazhuang, 050003)
② Military Key Laboratory for Ammunition Support and Safety Evaluation, Ordnance Engineering College (Hebei Shijiazhuang, 050003)
projectile defect form electromagnetic acoustic non-destructive testing inspection standard
The main forms and damages of projectile structural defects were presented. The significance of electromagnetic acoustic non-destructive testing for projectile structural defects was analyzed. The technical superiority of EMAT was elaborated which utilizes rapid and automatic testing of batch production of ammunition with structural defects. Such engineering application practices both at home and abroad were also introduced. Some advices about ammunition production quality supervision adopting electromagnetic acoustic non-destructive testing technology were given at last.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2017-01-09