 TIAN Xuan,FENG Xiaojun,FENG Xuesong,et al.Research Progress on the Mechanism of the Ignition for the High Explosives[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2014,43(01):49-56.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2014.01.010]





Research Progress on the Mechanism of the Ignition for the High Explosives
TIAN Xuan FENG Xiaojun FENG Xuesong XU Hongtao FENG Bo WANG Xiaofeng
Xian Modern Chemistry Research Institute (Shaanxi Xian, 710065)
high explosive ignition mechanism nonshock ignition the ignition and reactive growth model thermal explosion
Ignition reactions of high explosives can be caused by three general energy transfer processes: impact ignition by frictional or shear heating, thermal heating and shock compression. The degree of violence of reaction varies from benign slow combustion to detonation of entire charge, that depends on many variables, including the rate of energy delivery, the physical and chemical properties of the explosive, and the strength of the confinement surrounding the explosive charge. This article focuses on foreign research progress of homogeneous and nonhomogeneous explosives in recent years in terms of impact ignition, thermal explosion, weak shock compression and strong shock compression. Meanwhile, the latest achievements on experimental and mathematical modeling regarding the ignition mechanism of explosives under the impact, thermal and shock stimulus are introduced.


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