 KONG Qingliang,XIA Zhiyuan,WANG Gang,et al.Design of Directional Blasting Demolition and Simulation Study on Separate Common Nodes of a Tall Granulation Tower with Reinforced Concrete Structure[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2024,53(01):57-64.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2024.01.009]





Design of Directional Blasting Demolition and Simulation Study on Separate Common Nodes of a Tall Granulation Tower with Reinforced Concrete Structure
KONG Qingliang XIA Zhiyuan WANG Gang QIAN Mingyuan LIU Mingfeng YANG Fan GAO Pengfei
①Zhejiang First Hydropower Construction Group Co., Ltd. (Zhejiang Hangzhou, 310051)
②Anhui Jiangnan Blasting Engineering Co., Ltd. (Anhui Xuancheng, 242300)
granulation tower with reinforced concrete structure directional blasting blasting design separated common node numerical simulation
为成功爆破拆除复杂环境下 85.8 m 高钢筋混凝土结构造粒塔,结合塔身结构特点及周围环境情况,选用梯形爆破切口,开设高度对称的定向窗、定位窗,结合数据分析,最终确定切口圆心角为216°、切口高度为4.0 m,采用定向倾倒方式进行爆破拆除。为验证爆破设计方案的可行性,采用LS-DYNA仿真软件建立造粒塔分离式共节点三维有限元模型进行仿真计算。结果表明:总体方案的爆破技术参数选取准确;造粒塔往右偏移约4.9°,基本沿原设计方向倒塌,筒体轻微下坐,未发生前冲现象,拆除爆破效果达到预期目标。数值模拟结果显示,塔身顶端节点位移、速度变化趋势与实际倒塌过程基本一致。可为类似工程提供参考。
In order to successfully demolish a 85.8 m-high granulation tower with reinforced concrete structure in a complex environment through blasting, combined with the structural characteristics of the tower and the surrounding environment, a trapezoidal blasting cut was selected, and highly symmetrical directional windows and positioning windows were opened. Based on data analysis, the center angle of the cut was determined to be 216° and the height of the cut was 4.0 m. The directional dumping method was used for blasting demolition. LS-DYNA simulation software was used to establish a three-dimensional finite element model of the separated common node of the granulation tower for simulation calculation to verify the feasibility of the blasting design scheme. The results show that the selected blasting technical parameters are accurate, and the granulation tower is offset to the right by about 4.9°. It collapsed basically along the original design direction, and the cylinder slightly sit down without any forward movement. The demolition blasting outcomes has achieved the expected goal. It can provide reference for similar projects.


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第一作者:孔庆亮(1981—),男,高级工程师,主要从事爆破施工管理与爆破技术的研究工作。E-mail: 66239746@qq.com
通信作者:高朋飞(1989—),男,博士,高级工程师,主要从事爆破施工管理与爆破技术的研究工作。E-mail: 568662152 @qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-01-12