 YANG Yaoyong,WANG Quan,LI Rui,et al.Characterization and Performance Study on Primary Explosives Prepared from Nano Aluminothermal Agents and High Explosives[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2024,53(01):23-29,35.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2024.01.004]





Characterization and Performance Study on Primary Explosives Prepared from Nano Aluminothermal Agents and High Explosives
YANG Yaoyong①② WANG Quan①② LI Rui①②③ XU Xiaomeng①②
①School of Chemical and Blasting Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology (Anhui Huainan, 232001)
②Laboratory of Explosive Materials and Technical Engineering of Anhui Province, Anhui University of Science and Technology (Anhui Huainan, 232001)
③Joint National-Local Engineering Research Centre for Safe and Precise Coal Mining, Anhui University of Science and Technology (Anhui Huainan, 232001)
Al/Bi2O3-PETN Al/Bi2O3-RDX物理混合法起爆药
Al/Bi2O3-PETN Al/Bi2O3-RDX physical mixing method primary explosive
为了探究纳米铝热剂-猛炸药混合物代替起爆药的可能性,以纳米铝、纳米Bi2O3、工业级太安(PETN)和黑索今(RDX)为原料,通过物理混合法制备了Al/Bi2O3-PETN和Al/Bi2O3-RDX。采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDS)、热分析仪、敞开环境燃烧实验等方法对制备的Al/Bi2O3-PETN、Al/Bi2O3-RDX 2种样品进行表征和性能测试。结果表明:物理混合法制备的2种样品的形貌规整,Al/Bi2O3对PETN和RDX 2种猛炸药的包覆效果较好,且反应过程中生成大量的气态产物。Al/Bi2O3-PETN的热稳定性比Al/Bi2O3-RDX低,且静电感度均低于叠氮化铅和斯蒂芬酸铅。分别取2种样品81 mg装填于8#雷管中,通过铅板穿孔实验发现,2组样品均可使5 mm厚的铅板穿孔。根据5 mm的铅板穿孔直径判断,Al/Bi2O3RDX起爆能力优于Al/Bi2O3-PETN。
In order to explore the possibility of replacing primary explosives with mixed materials of nano aluminothermal agents and high explosives, Al/Bi2O3-PETN and Al/Bi2O3-RDX were prepared by physical mixing using nano aluminum powder, nano Bi2O3, industrial grade PETN, and RDX as raw materials. The properties of the two prepared samples were characterized and tested by methods such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), thermal analysis, and open environment combustion experiments. The results indicate that the morphology of the two samples prepared by physical mixing method is regular. Al/Bi2O3 has a good coating effect on two types of explosive materials, PETN and RDX, and a large amount of gaseous products are generated during the reaction process. The thermal stability of Al/Bi2O3-PETN is lower than that of Al/Bi2O3-RDX, and the electrostatic sensitivity is lower than that of lead azide and lead stephenate. Two types of mixed materials, 81 mg, were respectively loaded into 8# detonators for lead plate perforation experiments. It was found that both types of samples can cause perforation of 5 mm-thick lead plates. Based on the perforation diameter of the 5 mm-thick lead plate, the detonation ability of Al/Bi2O3-RDX is superior to that of Al/Bi2O3-PETN.


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第一作者:杨耀勇(1998—),男,硕士研究生,主要从事纳米铝热剂的研究。E-mail: 2458260953@qq.com
通信作者:李瑞(1987—),男,博士,讲师,主要从事纳米铝热剂的研究。E-mail: lirui_89@126.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-01-11