 YANG Guang,XIE Xinghua,XIE Qiang,et al.Preparation and Performances of a Thermite Specially Used for Oilfield Plugging[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2023,52(04):44-49.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2023.04.007]





Preparation and Performances of a Thermite Specially Used for Oilfield Plugging
YANG Guang XIE Xinghua XIE Qiang WANG Xuerui LI Ziyu
Institute of Blasting Engineering and Equipment, Anhui University of Science and Technology (Anhui Huainan, 232001)
nano aluminum powder thermite combustion performance oilfield plugging
以纳米铝粉、硝酸钾、四氧化三铁和纳米二氧化钛为主要成分,研制出一种油田封堵专用复合铝热剂。该铝热剂通过熔化油田出油口周围的金属粉以及石块对出油口进行堵塞,以达到对油田封堵的目的。通过SEM对铝热剂进行表征,并对其安全性能、燃烧性能以及封堵性能进行测试。结果表明:该铝热剂感度较低,需要较强的激发条件,安全性能好;燃烧温度高,燃烧时间长,1 kg铝热剂可使5 mm壁厚的铁管内壁最高温度达到2 689 ℃,铁管外壁最高温度达到1 432 ℃,燃烧持续时间约14 min;可使出油口周围石块及金属粉熔化。在温度和时间控制以及封堵性能方面足以达到工业油田封堵的条件要求,可作为油田封堵专用铝热剂使用。
A special composite thermite specially used for oilfield plugging was developed with nano aluminum powder, potassium nitrate, ferric oxide and titanium dioxide as the main components. The thermite could block the oil outlet by melting the metal powder and stones around the oil outlet of the oilfield to achieve the purpose of plugging the oilfield. The thermite was characterized by SEM. Safety performances, combustion performances, and sealing performances of the thermite were also tested. Results show that the thermite has low sensitivity, requires strong excitation conditions, and has good safety performance. Its combustion temperature is high and combustion time is long. It can melt rocks and metal powder around the oil outlet. One kilogram of thermite can make the maximum temperature of the inner wall of an iron pipe with a wall thickness of 5 mm reach 2 689 ℃, and the maximum temperature of the outer wall reach 1 432 ℃, with a combustion duration of about 14 minutes. The thermite can meet the requirements of industrial oilfield plugging in terms of temperature and time control as well as plugging performance, and can be used as a special thermite for oilfield plugging.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2023-07-19