 FAN Huaibin,LU Shaofeng,MO Chongxun,et al.Experimental Study on Attenuation Effect of MultiLayer Differential Bubble Curtain on Underwater Blasting Shock Wave[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2023,52(02):48-55.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2023.02.008]





Experimental Study on Attenuation Effect of MultiLayer Differential Bubble Curtain on Underwater Blasting Shock Wave
①广西新港湾工程有限公司(广西南宁, 530200)
②广西新港湾汪旭光院士工作站(广西南宁, 530200)
③广西大学土木建筑工程学院(广西南宁, 530004)
④广西大学资源与环境学院(广西南宁, 530004)
FAN Huaibin①② LU Shaofeng①② MO Chongxun DIAO Yue QIN Caiyong①② HUANG Guosong①②
① Guangxi New Harbour Engineering Co., Ltd. (Guangxi Nanning, 530200)
② Wang Xuguang Academician Work Station, Guangxi New Harbour (Guangxi Nanning, 530200)
③ School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Guangxi University (Guangxi Nanning, 530004)
④ College of Resources and Environment, Guangxi University (Guangxi Nanning, 530004)
bubble curtain multi-layer underwater blasting energy attenuation shock wave
为评估气泡帷幕产生的气水混合层对冲击波能量的衰减效应,设计了乳化炸药水下延期爆破试验,研究气泡帷幕对水下爆破冲击波的影响。以冲击波斜入射条件下波阻抗差异性为研究对象,设计多层差异性气泡帷幕。以距爆心12 m处帷幕前、后测点处的冲击波衰减率为评价指标,测得多排孔气泡帷幕前测点处的冲击波压力峰值为1.518 MPa和1.493 MPa,帷幕后测点处的冲击波压力峰值为0.026 MPa和0.034 MPa,冲击波综合衰减率为97.72%~98.29%。与陆上岩石爆破冲击波传播规律相比,水下爆破冲击波作用时间短,波阵传播速度快,冲击波压力更大,且传递过程中能量损耗少,传递效率高,同等爆破当量的条件下水下爆破对结构的损害更大。采用多层差异性气泡帷幕对水下爆破施工进行防护,可以在完成水下炸礁爆破施工任务的同时,不破坏水下生态环境。
In order to evaluate the attenuation effect of the airwater mixture layer produced by the bubble curtain on the shock wave energy, the underwater delayed blasting test of emulsion explosive was designed to study the influence of the bubble curtain on the underwater blasting shock wave. The wave impedance difference under oblique incidence of the shock wave was taken as the research object, and a multi-layer differential bubble curtain was designed. Taking the attenuation rate of wave intensity at the measuring points in front of and behind the curtain at 12 m from the blast center as the evaluation index, the measured wave intensity at the measuring points in front of the multirow bubble curtain is 1.518 MPa and 1.493 MPa, the wave intensity at the measuring points behind the curtain is 0.026 MPa and 0.034 MPa, and the comprehensive attenuation rate of shock wave is 97.72%-98.29%. Compared with the propagation law of shock wave in rock blasting on land, underwater blasting shock wave has shorter action time, faster wave array propagation speed, higher shock wave pressure, less energy loss in the transmission process, higher transmission efficiency, and greater damage to the structure caused by underwater blasting under the same blasting equivalent conditions. Multi-layer differential bubble curtain could be used to protect the underwater blasting construction, which can complete the underwater reef blasting construction without damaging the underwater ecological environment.


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第一作者:范怀斌(1984-),男,硕士,高工,主要从事港口与航道工程研究。E-mail: 285738643@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-03-30