 JI Changquan,JIA Fan,LI Bin,et al.Effect of Initial Pressure and Oxygen Enrichment Factor on the Explosion Characteristics of CH4/O2/N2 Premixed Gases[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2023,52(03):16-22.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2023.03.003]





Effect of Initial Pressure and Oxygen Enrichment Factor on the Explosion Characteristics of CH4/O2/N2 Premixed Gases
JI Changquan JIA Fan LI Bin ZHANG Dan XIE Lifeng
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
初始压力富氧系数预混气体爆炸特性5 L圆柱形爆炸容器
initial pressure oxygen enrichment factor premixed gas explosion characteristics 5 L cylindrical explosive container
TQ560.7; X932
为了探究甲烷CH4在富氧和非常压条件下的爆炸危险性,确保CH4气体在不同工况下的安全使用,借助5 L圆柱形爆炸装置,研究了初始压力p0和富氧系数E对CH4/O2/N2爆炸特性的影响。包括最大爆炸压力pmax、最大压力上升速率(dp/dtmax和最大压力到达时间tc等衡量CH4爆炸安全性的指标。结果表明:当E为 0.21、0.25和0.30时,pmaxp0的增加始终线性上升;而当E为 0.35和0.40时,pmaxp0的增加先缓慢线性上升、后快速线性上升;(dp/dtmaxp0的增加分为线性上升和一阶指数快速上升。在E为0.21和0.25时,tcp0的增加而线性增大,因为在燃烧初始阶段CH4活化自由基的销毁速率增加,降低了反应速率和燃速,引起预混气体tc的延长;但随着E的增加,氧气的促进作用与自由基销毁的抑制作用形成新的竞争效应,使得tc先增加、后下降。
In order to investigate the explosion hazards of methane CH4 under oxygen-rich and non-pressure conditions, and ensure the safe use of CH4 gas under different operating conditions, the effects of initial pressure p0?and oxygen enrichment factor E?on the explosion characteristics of CH4/O2/N2 were studied using a 5 L cylindrical explosive device. Indicators such as maximum explosion pressure pmax, maximum pressure rise rate (dp/dt)max, and maximum pressure arrival time tc were used to measure the explosion safety of CH4. The results show that when E?is 0.21, 0.25, and 0.30, pmax?always increases linearly with the increase of p0; When E?is 0.35 and 0.40, pmax first slowly increases linearly with the increase of p0, and then rapidly increases linearly; (dp/dt)max?can be divided into linear increase and first-order exponential rapid increase with the increase of p0. When E?is 0.21 and 0.25, tc linearly increases with the increase of p0, as the destruction rate of CH4 activated radicals increases during the initial combustion stage, reducing the reaction rate and burning rate, leading to an extension of tc of premixed gas. But as E?increases, the promoting effect of oxygen and the inhibiting effect of free radical destruction form a new competitive effect, causing tc to increase first and then decrease.


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第一作者:吉昌泉(1998-),男,硕士,主要从事气体爆炸方面的研究。E-mail: jichangquan@njust.edu.cn
通信作者:李斌(1984-),男,博士,副研究员,主要从事多相爆轰相关研究。E-mail: libin@njust.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-06-02