 ZHANG Quan,ZHANG Hongzhe,XU Sen,et al.Study on Explosion Risk and Safety Conditions of Storage and Transportation of Ammonium Nitrate Solution[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2023,52(03):10-15.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2023.03.002]





Study on Explosion Risk and Safety Conditions of Storage and Transportation of Ammonium Nitrate Solution
②应急管理部化学品登记中心 (山东青岛,266071)
ZHANG Quan①② ZHANG Hongzhe①② XU Sen HUANG Fei①②
① State Key Laboratory of Safety Control for Chemicals, SINOPEC Research Institute of Safety Engineering Co., Ltd.(Shandong Qingdao, 266071)
② National Registration Center for Chemicals, Ministry of Emergency Management (Shandong Qingdao, 266071)
③ School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
ammonium nitrate solution safe temperature safe concentration Koenen test UN partition test
TQ560.7; X932
为确定硝酸铵溶液的爆炸危险性及温度、浓度等储运安全条件,采用克南试验、绝热量热试验、联合国隔板试验及析晶特性试验等研究了热分解和殉爆两种情况下硝酸铵溶液的爆炸危险性及安全控制条件。结果表明:140 ℃时,硝酸铵溶液含水质量分数小于4%,为爆炸物;含水质量分数为4%-10%时,则具有爆炸性;含水质量分数大于10%时,不具有爆炸性。硝酸铵质量分数为90%以上时,硝酸铵溶液的起始放热温度在210~230 ℃范围内,TD24最低为151 ℃。110~140 ℃区间内,高温硝酸铵溶液的冲击波感度与溶液析晶状态有关,大量析晶会发生殉爆。因此,硝酸铵溶液中硝酸铵的质量分数应控制在93%以内;温度上限应控制在140 ℃以内;温度控制下限应根据硝酸铵溶液的析晶温度确定。
In order to determine the explosion risk and safety conditions of storage and transportation such as temperature and concentration of ammonium nitrate solution, the explosion risk and safety control conditions of ammonium nitrate solution under thermal decomposition and sympathetic explosion were studied using Koenen test, adiabatic heat test, UN partition test, and crystallization characteristic test. The results show that, at 140 ℃, when mass fraction of water in ammonium nitrate solution is less than 4%, it is an explosive substance; when mass fraction of water is between 4% and 10%, it is explosive; when mass fraction of water is greater than 10%, it does not have explosive properties. When the mass fraction of ammonium nitrate is 90%, the initial exothermic temperature of ammonium nitrate solution is within the range of 210-230 ℃, and the lowest TD24 is 151 ℃. In the range of 110-140 ℃, the shock wave sensitivity of ammonium nitrate solution in a high-temperature is related to the crystallization state of the solution, and a large amount of crystallization will cause the detonation. Therefore, the mass fraction of ammonium nitrate in ammonium nitrate solution should be controlled within 93%, the upper temperature limit should be controlled within 140 ℃, and the lower limit of temperature control should be determined based on the crystallization temperature of ammonium nitrate solution.


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第一作者:张全(1990-),男,硕士,主要从事化学品危险性研究。E-mail: zhanquan.qday@sinopec.com
通信作者:张宏哲(1981-),男,博士,高工,主要从事化学品危险性研究。E-mail: zhanghz.qday@sinopec.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-06-02