 QIN Guifang,ZENG Can,XU Jianfeng,et al.Numerical Simulation and Engineering Verification of Smooth Blasting in Limestone Tunnel Based on HJC Damage Constitutive Model[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2022,51(06):45-51.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2022.06.008]





Numerical Simulation and Engineering Verification of Smooth Blasting in Limestone Tunnel Based on HJC Damage Constitutive Model
QIN Guifang ZENG Can XU Jianfeng HE Rui
①Guizhou Road & Bridge Group Co., Ltd. (Guizhou Guiyang, 550000)
②School of Civil Engineering, Central South University (Hu‘nan Changsha, 410075)
smooth blasting decoupling coefficient limestone blast hole space HJC damage constitutive model
为解决六枝至安龙高速公路隧道爆破施工中光面爆破效果不良的问题,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元软件开展了径向不耦合装药系数及周边眼间距的多工况计算;进而基于不同爆破参数条件下的围岩损伤特征分析,优化得到了合适的爆破参数:径向不耦合系数1.25,炮孔间距为55 cm。进一步开展了隧道周边眼整体模型的数值计算,获取了优化参数条件下的隧道爆破成型预测效果。将优化的爆破参数应用于现场爆破后发现,隧道轮廓线平整,形成的隧道开挖轮廓线与设计轮廓线基本吻合,应用效果良好。
In order to solve the problem of poor smooth blasting outcome during blasting construction of LiuzhiAnlong Expressway Tunnel, calculation of radial decoupling charge coefficient and peripheral hole spacing under multiple working conditions was carried out by using ANSYS/LS-DYNA software. Then, based on the analysis of damage characteristics of surrounding rock under different blasting parameters, the appropriate blasting parameters were optimized. The radial decoupling coefficient is 1.25, and the blast hole space is 55 cm. Numerical calculation of the model of the tunnel peri-pheral hole was further carried out, and prediction outcome of the tunnel shape after blasting under the optimized parameters was obtained. After application of the optimized blasting parameters to the site, it was found that the tunnel contour was flat, the tunnel excavation contour formed by blasting was basically consistent with the design contour, and the application outcome was good.


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第一作者:秦桂芳(1980-),女,高工,主要从事土木工程施工与管理工作。E-mail: 648395965@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-11-23