 ZHANG Mengzhao,QU Kepeng,ZHOU Tao,et al.Research on the Damage Law of Pressed Explosives under Double-Pulse Loading[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2021,50(06):30-36.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2021.06.005]





Research on the Damage Law of Pressed Explosives under Double-Pulse Loading
ZHANG Mengzhao QU Kepeng ZHOU Tao SHEN Fei HU Xueyao
Xian Modern Chemistry Research Institute (Shaanxi Xi’an, 710065)
shock pressed explosives microscopic damage gas gun damage evolution
针对装药在多次冲击作用下易产生结构损伤,进而形成热点,引起战斗部提前点火甚至起爆的问题,采用一级轻气炮为加载源,设计了冲击加载模拟实验装置,分别开展了单个10 mm 、单个12 mm、两个10 mm和两个12 mm厚端盖4种工况的冲击加载试验。结合仿真模拟和扫描电子显微镜(SEM),获取了装药内部应力分布规律及损伤特征,分析了加载次数对装药损伤的影响。结果表明:与单次冲击加载相比,炸药在连续两次冲击加载条件下损伤模式仍以拉伸断裂为主;但试样表面裂纹条数增多、分布范围更广、拉伸波叠加以及损伤演化速率提高等因素使得二次冲击加载时炸药内部微裂纹更易发展成为宏观裂纹。
The charge is prone to structural damage under the action of multiple impacts, and then form hot spots causing the warhead to pre-ignite or even detonate. An impact loading simulation experimental installation was designed using the one-stage gas gun. Impact loading tests were carried out under four working conditions of a single 10 mm, a single 12 mm two 10 mm and two 12 mm thick end caps. Combined with simulation and scanning electron microscope (SEM), internal stress distribution law and damage characteristics of the charge were obtained, and the influence of loading time on the damage of the charge was analyzed. The results show that, compared with single loading, the damage mode of explosive under the condition of two consecutive loadings is still mainly tensile fracture.However, factors such as increase of the number of cracks on surface of the sample, wider distribution range, superposition of tensile waves and the increase of damage evolution rate make it easier for the internal microcracks of the explosive to develop into macroscopic cracks during the secondary loading.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-11-22