 ZHAO Juan,FENG Bo,XUE Lexing,et al.Shock Initiation Characteristics of HMX Based Aluminized Explosive under the Different Loading Pressure[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2021,50(01):26-31.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2021.01.005]





Shock Initiation Characteristics of HMX Based Aluminized Explosive under the Different Loading Pressure
ZHAO Juan FENG Bo XUE Lexing FENG Xiaojun
Xi'an Modern Chemistry Research Institute (Shaanxi X'an, 710065)
shock initiation HMX based aluminized explosive numerical simulation equation of reaction state
为了研究HMX基含铝炸药的冲击起爆特性,对其进行了两种加载压力下的冲击起爆试验。结果表明,加载压力为14.68 GPa时,其到爆轰距离为12.04~15.38 mm;加载压力为15.55 GPa时,到爆轰距离为10.23~12.01 mm;稳定爆轰后的爆轰压力约为25 GPa。基于圆筒试验确定了HMX基含铝炸药的JWL状态方程参数,结合两种加载压力下的冲击起爆试验结果进行数值模拟,标定并验证了点火增长模型反应速率方程参数。计算结果与试验结果一致。得到14.68 GPa加载压力下HMX基含铝炸药到爆轰时间为2.5 μs,到爆轰距离为13.70 mm;15.55 GPa加载压力下的到爆轰时间为1.9 μs,到爆轰距离为10.60 mm。计算结果表明,加载压力增大,前导冲击波速度增长变快,波阵面压力增长变快,炸药到爆轰时间与到爆轰距离减小,爆轰成长阶段同一时刻下的波阵面压力增长速率也随之增大。
In order to investigate shock initiation characteristics of HMX based aluminized explosive, shock initiation tests under two different initiation pressures were conducted. When the initiation pressure is 14.68 GPa, run distance to detonation of HMX based aluminized explosive is 12.04 mm to 15.38 mm. When the initiation pressure is 15.55 GPa, run distance to detonation of HMX based aluminized explosive is 10.23 mm to 12.01 mm. Under steady detonation distance, the detonation pressure of HMX based aluminized explosive was 25 GPa. According to cylinder test, parameters of JWL equation of state were obtained. Ignition and growth reaction rate equation was used to numerically simulate shock initiation of the explosive. Based on the shock initiation tests of two different initiation pressures, the parameters were determined for the ignition and growth reaction rate equation of the explosive. The calculated results are consistent with the experimental results. When the initiation pressure is 14.68 GPa, detonation time is 2.5 μs, and run distance to detonation is 13.70 mm. When the initiation pressure is 15.55 GPa, detonation time is 1.9 μs, and run distance to detonation is 10.60 mm. The results show that with the increase of the initiation pressure, velocity of the front shock wave and pressure of the front increase faster, the time to detonation and the distance to detonation decrease, and the growth rate of the front pressure increases at the same time in the detonation growth stage.


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第一作者:赵娟(1988~),女,硕士,工程师,研究方向为炸药爆轰性能及爆轰化学反应研究。E-mail: canghaiyisu6636@163.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-01-21