 TANG Jie,WEI Yingdong,QI Xiufang.Research Progress on Application of Micro-chemical Technology in Explosive Preparation[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2020,49(03):1-9,15.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2020.03.001]





Research Progress on Application of Micro-chemical Technology in Explosive Preparation
TANG Jie WEI Yingdong QI Xiufang
School of National Defense Science and Technology, Southwest University of Science and Technology (Sichuan Mianyang, 621010)
micro-chemical technology explosive preparation microchannel reaction microfluidic control micro-mixing
Micro-chemical technology is one of the important ways to realize the green, safe and efficient chemical process based on the characteristics of controllable flow and high efficiency of mixing and transferring under microscale. Based on microchemical technology, a series of explosives and energetic additives were synthesized, such as 1-methyl-4,5-dinitroimidazole, 3,4-dinitropyridine, nitro-guanidine, dinitro-naphthalene, nitrifying diethylene glycol and nitrifying triethylene glycol, trihydroxy- methylethane trinitrate, 1,2-propanediol dinitrate, and isooctyl nitrate. CL-20 microspheres and NC spherical propellants were also prepared by microchemical technology. Stainless steel or glass material microchannel reactors, including inner cross toe parallel multilayer HPIMM micromixer, glass microchannel reactor, G1 type pulse mixed microreactor, chip microreactor, SIMM microreactor, were used. These reactors realized high efficiency mixing transfer of materials and improved reaction efficiency and process safety.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2020-05-21