 LU Shaofeng,WU Hongbo,MA Chengshuai,et al.Influence of Bubble Curtains with Different Hole Spacing on the Attenuation Characteristics of Shock Waves in Water[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2024,53(04):52-57.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2024.04.008]





Influence of Bubble Curtains with Different Hole Spacing on the Attenuation Characteristics of Shock Waves in Water
LU Shaofeng WU Hongbo MA Chengshuai WANG Yinjun LI Jirui
① Guangxi New Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. (Guangxi Fangchenggang, 538000)
② School of Chemical and Blasting Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology (Anhui Huainan, 232000)
③ BGRIMM Technology Group (Beijing, 100160)
bubble curtain hole spacing shock wave in water specific impulse
为探究孔间距对气泡帷幕消波能力的影响效果,设计孔间距分别为2、 5、 8、 11 cm的4种气泡帷幕发生器,分析不同孔间距的气泡帷幕对水中冲击波衰减的影响。以爆源与传感器相距60 cm、气泡帷幕处于爆源与传感器之间并距爆源水平距离50 cm作为实验工况,发现气流量的增加会提高相同孔间距的气泡帷幕对冲击波的衰减效果,并且在气流量达到40 L/min后,4种气泡帷幕的消波效果会趋于稳定。气流量相同时,随着爆源入水深度的增加,气泡帷幕的防护能力出现先上升、后下降的情况,4种气泡帷幕均在爆源入水深度60 cm时防护效果最好。对相同气流量下不同孔间距的气泡帷幕进行对比,当气流量为60 L/min时,孔间距从大到小排序,消波能力依次为54.80%、 61.40%、 88.56%、 89.27%,表明孔间距的缩小会提高气泡帷幕的消波能力;孔间距在5 cm之后继续缩小,气泡帷幕的防护效果提升不再明显。孔间距缩小,冲击波的比冲量也会随之降低,从而大幅度削弱炸药爆炸后到达目标后的能量,减小对被保护物的破坏能力。
In order to explore the effect of hole spacing on the wave attenuation ability of bubble curtains, four different bubble curtain generators with hole spacing of 2, 5, 8 cm and 11 cm were designed, and the attenuation effect of bubble curtains with different hole spacing on shock waves in water was analyzed. Taking the distance between the explosion source and the sensor as 60 cm, and the bubble curtain located between the explosion source and the sensor at a horizontal distance of 50 cm from the explosion source as the experimental conditions, it was found that an increase in air flow rate would enhance the attenuation effect of the bubble curtain with the same hole spacing on shock waves. Moreover, after the air flow rate reaches 40 L/min, the wave attenuation effect of the four types of bubble curtains will tend to stabilize. When the air flow rate is the same, as the depth of the explosion source entering the water increases, the protective ability of the bubble curtain first increases and then decreases. All the four types of bubble curtains have the best protective effect when the depth of the explosion source entering the water is 60 cm. The wave attenuation ability of bubble curtains with different hole spacing under the same air flow rate was compared. When the gas flow rate is 60 L/min, the corresponding wave attenuation ability of the inter hole spacing from large to small is 54.80%, 61.40%, 88.56%, and 89.27%, respectively. This indicates that reducing the inter hole spacing will improve the wave attenuation ability of the bubble curtain. If the spacing between holes continues to decrease from 5 cm, the wave elimination ability of the bubble curtain will no longer significantly improve. As the hole spacing decreases, the specific impulse of the shock wave will also decrease, greatly weakening the energy of the explosive after reaching the target and reducing its ability to damage the protected object.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-16