 CHEN Xingjian,LIU Jun,LUO Jie,et al.Penetration of Perforation Charge into Rock Strata and Energy Conversion Efficiency of Jet[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2024,53(03):48-57.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2024.03.008]





Penetration of Perforation Charge into Rock Strata and Energy Conversion Efficiency of Jet
陈星见柳军①②罗杰 李强周鑫钟兰少坤
CHEN Xingjian LIU Jun①② LUO Jie LI Qiang ZHOU Xinzhong LAN Shaokun
①School of Mechatronic Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University (Sichuan Chengdu, 610500)
②School of Mechanical Engeinnering, Chengdu University (Sichuan Chengdu, 610106)
③Fuyu Oil Production Plant, Jilin Oilfield Company, CNPC (Jilin Songyuan, 138000)
perforating charge shaped jet penetration RHT constitutive model energy conversion
为研究射孔弹侵彻岩层的过程及爆炸后能量的分布情况,基于对称罚函数的流固耦合算法及岩层的RHT(Redel-Hiermaier-Thoma)本构模型,借助显式非线性动力学分析程序LS-DYNA,建立了1/2 二维射孔弹空气岩层对称数值模拟模型,系统地分析了射孔弹在不同的装药类型、药型罩壁厚及锥角下射流侵彻岩层的深度及能量转化情况。研究结果表明:射孔弹主装炸药的爆速和猛度对射流侵彻岩层深度的影响显著;射孔弹炸药的爆速和猛度越高,射流的头部峰值速度越高,侵彻岩层深度越大;射孔弹主装炸药为RDX时,射流的有效能量转化率最大,其次分别为HNS、HMX。药型罩壁厚在0.6~1.5 mm范围内,适当减小厚度,可以提升射流的头部速度及岩层的穿深;但与此同时,射流的有效能量占比将降低,爆轰能量将增大。锥角在55°~ 70°范围内,适当减小锥角,射流的有效能量转化率及侵彻岩层的深度将增大,爆轰能量转化率将减小。
In order to study the perforation process of perforating charge into rock strata and the distribution of energy after the explosion, a fluid structure coupling algorithm based on symmetric penalty function and the RHT (Riedel-Hyermaier-Thoma) constitutive model of rock layers were used. With the explicit nonlinear dynamic analysis program LS-DYNA, a 1/2 2D symmetrical numerical simulation model of perforating charge-air-rock strata was established. The perforation depth into rock strata and energy conversion of jet were systematically analyzed under different charge types, wall thicknesses of liner, and cone angles. The research results indicate that the detonation velocity and brisance of the main explosive of the perforating charge have a significant impact on the penetration depth into rock layers of jet. The higher the detonation velocity and brisance of the explosive, the higher the peak velocity of the jet head, and the greater the penetration depth into rock strata. When the main explosive of the perforating charge is RDX, the effective energy conversion rate of the jet is the highest, followed by HNS and HMX, respectively. Within the range of 0.6-1.5 mm, appropriately reducing the wall thickness of the liner can improve the jet velocity at its front and the penetration depth into rock strata. But at the same time, the proportion of effective energy of the jet will decrease, and the detonation energy will increase. Within the range of 55°-70°, appropriately reducing the cone angle of the liner will increase the effective energy conversion rate of the jet and the penetration depth into rock strata, while the conversion rate of detonation energy will decrease.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-06-04