 DU Yuxuan,SI Zhenkuan,WANG Shuai,et al.Small-Scale Experimental Study on the Suppression of Single Base Propellant Flames by Water Mist Containing Additives[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2024,53(03):31-37.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2024.03.005]





Small-Scale Experimental Study on the Suppression of Single Base Propellant Flames by Water Mist Containing Additives
DU YuxuanSI Zhenkuan①②WANG ShuaiYANG ManjiangLI Quanwei
①School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
②Servo Technology Institute of China Aerospace Science and Industury Corporation (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210006)
③China Ship Development and Design Center (Hubei Wuhan, 430064)
single base propellant water mist fire suppression performance fire extinguishing mechanism
In order to investigate the influence of additives with different properties on the fire suppression performance of water mist on single base propellant, a comparative experiment of single base propellant combustion and suppression was conducted on a self-built platform. It compared the performance of pure water mist and water mist containing Na2SO3, FeCl2, K2CO3 and KHCO3 additives in suppressing the combustion of single base propellants. Changes in temperature, radiant heat flux, and flame morphology during the fire suppression process were studied. The results show that the fire suppression performances of water mist containing reducing additives (Na2SO3, FeCl2) or non-reducing additives (K2CO3, KHCO3) are significantly better than that of pure water mist, with shorter extinguishing time. The performances of water mist containing non-reducing additives in suppressing single base propellant fires is poor at low concentrations. When the mass fraction of nonreducing additives rises above 3%, the fire extinguishing ability is significantly improved. The fire suppression performances of water mist containing reducing additive are superior to that of water mist containing nonreducing additive at all concentrations. In addition, as the increase of the concentration of reducing additive, the fire suppression performance is saturated.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-06-03