 CHEN Shixiong,QIAN Hua,RUI Jiuhou,et al.Research on the Compressive Performance of H-RDX[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2023,52(06):1-8.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2023.06.001]





Research on the Compressive Performance of H-RDX
①南京理工大学化学与化工学院(江苏南京, 210094)
CHEN Shixiong QIAN Hua RUI Jiuhou LIU Dabin
①School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
②State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology (Beijing, 100081)
H-RDX pressing compressive resistance mechanical sensitivity shock wave sensitivity
研究了压药过程是否会破坏高品质黑索今(H-RDX)的完整性,导致H-RDX失去低感度优势。通过扫描电镜和激光粒度仪对单个H-RDX颗粒、H-RDX和H-RDX造型粉在压制前、后的表面形貌和粒度进行了表征,测试了压制前、后的撞击、摩擦和冲击波感度,并与普通RDX进行比较。研究表明:40 MPa压药压力已经引起了H-RDX、普通RDX及造型粉颗粒的碎裂和损伤。H-RDX的抗压性能比普通RDX更好,虽然压药过程会破坏H-RDX和普通RDX颗粒的完整性,但H-RDX依旧能保持安全性能优势,且经过包覆后,安全性能可以进一步提升。单个H-RDX颗粒的耐压压力(不低于400 MPa)远高于单个普通RDX颗粒(小于40 MPa);H-RDX及H-RDX造型粉在颗粒集合体中的碎裂程度也分别低于普通RDX 25%和65%以上。 经过压制后,H-RDX比普通RDX的撞击感度低50%,摩擦感度低25%。H-RDX造型粉压制的高聚物黏结炸药(PBX)的冲击波感度低于普通RDX基PBX。压制后与压制前相比,H-RDX的撞击感度降低50%,摩擦感度升高17%,冲击波感度增加16%;而使用黏合剂包覆后,冲击波感度可降低约29%。
It was investigated that whether the pressing process would disrupt the integrity of high-quality RDX (H-RDX), thereby leading to its loss of low sensitivity advantage. The surface morphology and particle size of individual H-RDX particles, H-RDX and H-RDX molding powders before and after compaction were characterized using SEM and laser particle size analyzer. Their impact sensitivity, friction sensitivity, and shock wave sensitivity before and after compaction were tested and compared with conventional RDX. The results show that a pressure of 40 MPa has already caused particle fragmentation and damage in H-RDX, conventional RDX, and their molding powder. Compression resistance of H-RDX is better than that of conventional RDX. Although the compaction process would damage the integrity of H-RDX and conventional RDX particles, H-RDX could still maintain its safety performance advantage. The safety performance of H-RDX after coating can be further improved. The compressive strength of a single H-RDX particle (no less than 400 MPa) is much higher than that of a single conventional RDX particle (less than 40 MPa). The degree of fragmentation of H-RDX and its molding powder in particle aggregates is also lower than that of conventional RDX by 25% and more than 65%, respectively. After compaction, the impact sensitivity and the friction sensitivity of H-RDX are 50% and 25% lower than those of conventional RDX, respectively. The shock wave sensitivity of polymer bonded explosive (PBX) pressed with H-RDX molding powder is lower than that of conventional RDX-based PBX. After compaction, the impact sensitivity of pure H-RDX decreases by 50%, the friction sensitivity increases by 17%, and the shock wave sensitivity increases by 16%. After coating with adhesive, the shock wave sensitivity of H-RDX could reduce by about 29%.


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