 HU Gang,FEI Honglu,GUO Yuxin,et al.Combined Analysis of Multiple Factors Affecting the Stability of Pillars under Blasting Loads[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2023,52(04):58-64.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2023.04.009]





Combined Analysis of Multiple Factors Affecting the Stability of Pillars under Blasting Loads
HU Gang FEI Honglu GUO Yuxin WANG Zhenda
①Institute of Blasting Technique, Liaoning Technical University (Liaoning Fuxin, 123000)
②Baotou Quanshan Blasting Engineering Co., Ltd. (Mongolia Baotou, 014060)
③Huayu Architectural Design Co., Ltd. (Liaoning Shenyang, 110170)
blasting pillar stress stability numerical simulation room-pillar mining method
为了保证爆破载荷下矿柱的稳定性,采用现场监测试验和数值模拟分析相结合的方法,基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA有限元软件建立了矿体开采模型。通过对比试验与模拟的振速时程曲线,确定了数值模型的可靠性。研究爆破作用下矿柱的应力峰值和作用范围的变化规律,以及两者联合作用对矿柱稳定性的影响。结果表明:地下矿山采用平行排列布孔进行爆破施工时,矿柱受水平方向振动作用强烈;当矿柱与爆源的距离小于10 m时,矿柱的拉应力峰值为9.03 MPa,叠加空气冲击波的作用容易导致矿柱发生破坏;随着应力作用范围的递减,应力主要集中在矿柱的顶部或底部。建议保留矿柱为双曲面型,且增加矿柱的防护。
In order to ensure the stability of the pillar under blasting load, a mining model of the ore body was established using a combination of on-site monitoring experiments and numerical simulation analysis, based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA finite element software. The reliability of the numerical model was determined by comparing the vibration velocity time history curves of experiments and simulations. Variation laws of the peak stress and action ranges of the stress of the pillar under blasting loads were studied, as well as the combined effect of the two on the stability of the pillar. The results indicate that when parallel arrangement holes are used for blasting in underground mines, the pillars are strongly subjected to horizontal radial vibration. When the distance between the pillar and the explosion source is less than 10 m, the peak tensile stress of the pillar is 9.03 MPa, and the superposition of air shock waves can easily lead to the destruction of the pillar. With the decrease of stress range, the stress is mainly concentrated on the top or bottom of the pillar. It is recommended to keep the pillar in hyperbolic shape and increase the protection of the pillar.


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第一作者:胡 刚(1990-),男,博士,讲师,主要从事工程爆破方面的研究。E-mail:1125019679@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-07-19