 DU Guanggang,DONG Lizhe,LI Xianglong,et al.Formula Optimization and Hydration Reaction Analysis of the Static Crushing Agent[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2022,51(06):32-38,44.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2022.06.006]





Formula Optimization and Hydration Reaction Analysis of the Static Crushing Agent
① 昆明理工大学国土资源学院(云南昆明,650093)
② 云南省教育厅爆破新技术工程研究中心(云南昆明,650093)
DU Guanggang①② DONG Lizhe①② LI Xianglong①② LIU Lei①②
①Faculty of Land Resource Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology (Yunnan Kunming, 650093)
②New Blasting Technology Engineering Research Center, Yunnan Education Department (Yunnan Kunming, 650093)
static cracking agent formula optimization hydration reaction reaction rate expansion pressure
为探究各组分含量变化对静态破碎剂水化反应速率的影响,确定静态破碎剂各组分的最优配比,基于单因素多水平试验,运用正交试验对静态破碎剂进行配方优化。进行了静态破碎剂水化反应速率分析和混凝土破碎验证试验。试验结果表明:静态破碎剂各组分质量分数区间为氧化钙70%~80%、P ·O 42.5水泥(水泥)8%~12%、硫酸钙(石膏)2%~ 4%、钠基膨润土3%~ 7%;不足100%部分中,除1%减水剂外,由粉煤灰作为填充剂补充。确定静态破碎剂最优配方(质量分数)为氧化钙73%、水泥10%、石膏5%、钠基膨润土6%、减水剂1%、粉煤灰5%。配方优化后,自制静态破碎剂的混凝土破碎效果优于商用静态破碎剂。
In order to explore the influence of content change of each component on the hydration reaction rate of the static crushing agent, and to determine the optimal proportion of each component of the static crushing agent, the formula of the static crushing agent was optimized by orthogonal experiment based on the single factor multi-level design tests. Hydration reaction rate analysis of static crushing agent and concrete crushing verification test were carried out. Test results show that the mass fraction range of each component of the static crushing agent is 70%-80% of calcium oxide, 8%-12% of P·O 42.5 cement (cement), 2%-4% of calcium sulfate (gypsum), 3%-7% of sodium bentonite, and the part less than 100% is supplemented by coal ash as filler except for 1% of water reducer. The optimum formula (mass fraction) of static crushing agent is calcium oxide 73%, cement 10%, gypsum 5%, sodium bentonite 6%, water reducer 1%, and coal ash 5%. After formula optimization, the concrete crushing outcomes of the static crushing agent is better than those of commercial static crushing agent.


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