 ZHAO Licai.Study on Vibration Reduction of Tunnel Blasting under Existing Ring Road[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2022,51(03):50-56.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2022.03.009]





Study on Vibration Reduction of Tunnel Blasting under Existing Ring Road
ZHAO Licai①②
①Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Taipei, 106)
②Third Engineering Co. Ltd., China Railway 19th Bureau Group (Liaoning Shenyang, 110136)
tunnel blasting vehicle load under the highway vibration reduction numerical simulation
Aiming at the vibration effect caused by the tunnel blasting under the existing ring road, and considering the coupling effect of the vehicle load above the tunnel, LSDYNA was used to numerically simulate the tunnel blasting under two working conditions of with or without vibration damping holes. And then, compare and analyze the vibration reduction on the ring road. The results show that damping holes can delay the time and shorten the duration of stress wave and reduce the superposition effect of stress wave and seismic wave. The maximum vibration reduction rate around the vibration damping holes is about 41.7%, and the reduction rate in the horizontal direction is significantly higher than that in the vertical direction. The maximum reduction rate of the ring road occurs in the middle of the road surface, which is about 19.1%. The duration of large fluctuation of highway vibration speed can be reduced by 50% by setting damping holes .


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第一作者:赵立财(1985-),男,博士,正高级工程师,主要从事地下结构抗震与岩土工程基础理论研究。E-mail: zhaolicai1314@foxmail.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-06-07