 ZHAO Yiming,YANG Zhenxin,ZHANG Xin,et al.Effects of External Space and Initial Temperature on Explosion Process of Hydrogen-Air Mixture[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2022,51(02):35-41.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2022.02.006]





Effects of External Space and Initial Temperature on Explosion Process of Hydrogen-Air Mixture
ZHAO Yiming YANG Zhenxin ZHANG Xin ZHANG Chuanbiao XU Zhanggui ZHOU Zhuanghong ZHANG Yun ZHAO Liangliang CAO Weiguo
School of Environment and Safety Engineering, North University of China (Shanxi Taiyuan, 030051)
container shape explosion pressure flame temperature computational fluid dynamics
为了研究容器形状和初始温度对氢气与空气预混气体爆炸过程的影响,分别采用20 L球形容器和20 L圆柱形容器对氢气与空气混合气体的爆炸过程进行了研究。首先,通过壁面压力传感器获取了两种容器内的最大爆炸压力,并采用高速摄影装置拍摄了球形容器内部爆炸火球的发展变化过程。其次,利用计算流体力学方法对氢气爆炸过程进行了数值模拟,获取了三维爆炸压力场、火焰温度场等爆炸参数,对比分析了容器内不同位置处的压力曲线,并探讨了初始温度对氢气爆炸压力的影响。实验结果表明:在常温下,最大爆炸压力出现在氢气体积分数为30.0%的条件下,略高于理论当量浓度。数值模拟结果表明:两种容器内,火焰传播初期均呈球面往外发展;容器内上壁面的压力均低于右壁面的压力;由于壁面不规则的反射作用,圆柱形容器第1个压力峰值后的压力振荡周期不同步;在体系初始压力不变的情况下,初始温度提高20%,容器内部总的物质的量减少,最大爆炸压力下降15%。
To study the effect of container shape and initial temperature on explosion process of premixed hydrogen-air, explosion process of premixed hydrogen-air was studied using a 20 L spherical container and a 20 L cylindrical container, respectively. Firstly, the maximum explosion pressures in the two containers were obtained through the wall pressure sensor, and evolution of the explosion fireball inside the spherical container was captured with a high-speed camera. Secondly, the explosion process was conducted by computational fluid dynamics simulation. Parameters such as 3D explosion pressure field and temperature field were obtained. Pressure at different locations in the container was compared and analyzed, and influence of initial temperature on explosion pressure was discussed. Test results reflect that, at room temperature, the maximum explosion pressure appears when the volume fraction of hydrogen is 30.0%, which was slightly higher than the theoretical equivalent concentration. Simulation results of show that the flame develop outward as a sphere at the initial stage of propagation in both containers, and pressure on the upper wall is lower than that on the right wall in the container. The pressure oscillation period in cylindrical container after the first pressure peak is not synchronous because of the irregular wall reflection. When the initial pressure of the system remains unchanged, the initial temperature increases by 20%, the total amount of substances in the container decreases, and the maximum explosion pressure decreases by 15%.


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通信作者:曹卫国(1984-),男,博士,副教授, 主要从事粉尘、气体多相燃烧与爆炸研究。E-mail: caoweiguoiem@nuc.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-04-06