 HE Zhiwei,GE Yuqiang,MENG Tao,et al.Thermal Safety of Fluoroelastomer Coated TANPyO[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2022,51(01):19-24.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2022.01.004]





Thermal Safety of Fluoroelastomer Coated TANPyO
HE Zhiwei GE Yuqiang MENG Tao WANG Yangwen ZHU Wenyu LI Yuanyuan
School of Chemical Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology (Anhui Huainan, 232001)
thermodynamics thermal safety time to ignition critical temperature
为了对氟橡胶包覆的多氨基多硝基吡啶氮氧化合物的热安全性进行研究,使用氟橡胶(F2311),通过溶液-悬浮-蒸馏的方法对2,4,6-三氨基-3,5-二硝基吡啶-1-氧化物(TANPyO)进行包覆处理,制得TANPyO/F2311造型粉。使用扫描电镜(SEM)及X射线衍射(XRD)仪对包覆前、后的TANPyO进行对比研究。使用热重和差示扫描量热(TG-DSC)分析仪对TANPyO/F2311造型粉的热分解行为进行研究。使用Ozawa法、Kissinger法等对TANPyO/F2311造型粉的热分解动力学参数进行计算,而后再求得TANPyO/F2311的热点火温度Tbe、自加速分解温度Ts、热爆炸临界温度Tbp等数据,并对半径为1 m的球状TANPyO/F2311造型粉在不同超临界环境温度下的延滞期进行计算。实验及计算结果表明:作为一种典型的多氨基多硝基吡啶氮氧类化合物,TANPyO经氟橡胶包覆后,Tbe为575.54 K,Ts为566.07 K,Tbp为614.03 K,热安全性高,具有较好的耐热性能。
In order to study the thermal safety of polyamino-polynitropyridine oxynitride compounds coated by -fluoroelastomer,-2,4,6-triamino-3,5-dinitropyridine 1-oxide (TANPyO) coated by fluoroelastomer (F2311) was prepared by solution-suspension-distillation method. TANPyO/F2311molding powder was obtained. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to characterize and compare the TANPyO before and after the coating. Thermogravimetric and differential scanning calorimetry (TG-DSC) analyzer was used to study the thermal decomposition behavior of TANPyO/F2311. Ozawa method, Kissinger method and other methods were used to calculate the thermal decomposition kinetic parameters of TANPyO/F2311. Then, the data of self-heating fire temperature Tbe, accelerated decomposition temperature Ts and thermal explosion critical temperature Tbp were solved. And the demurrage time of spherical TANPyO coated by F2311with a radius of 1 m was calculated under different supercritical ambient temperatures. Test and calculation results show that, as a typical polyamino-polynitropyridine nitroxide compound, Tbe, Ts and Tbp?of TANPyO coated by F2311 are 575.54 K, 566.07 K and 614.03 K, respectively. TANPyO/F2311 has high thermal safety and good heat resistance.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2022-01-06