 XIAO Lei,ZHANG Liming,GAO Xiangdong,et al.Process Optimization and Properties of Superfine HMX Prepared by Vacuum Freeze-Drying Technology[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2021,50(06):21-29.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2021.06.004]





Process Optimization and Properties of Superfine HMX Prepared by Vacuum Freeze-Drying Technology
XIAO Lei ZHANG Liming GAO Xiangdong LIU Qiaoe HAO Gazi HU YubingZHANG Guangpu JIANG Wei
①School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
②Research Institute, Xi’an North Huian Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. (Shaanxi Xi’an, 710300)
③Research Institute, Gansu Yinguang Chemical Industry Group Co., Ltd.(Gansu Baiyin,730900)
nitramine explosive superfine HMX vacuum freeze-drying drying efficiency response surface
为改善超细硝胺类炸药浆料的干燥效果,采用单因素实验法和响应面实验设计法,综合分析了真空度、浆料厚度以及分散液中乙醇与水的质量比等主要工艺参数对超细HMX浆料干燥过程的影响规律,建立了超细HMX的最佳干燥曲线拟合模型,获得了最优干燥工艺参数。同时,结合实验进行验证,并采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和撞击感度仪分别对干燥前、后超细HMX的微观形貌及安全性能进行了测试、分析。结果表明:超细HMX浆料的干燥速率随真空度的增加先增大后减小,随浆料厚度的增加先减小后增大,随乙醇与水的质量比的增加而增大;超细HMX浆料真空冷冻干燥的优化工艺为:浆料厚度7 mm、真空度50 Pa、乙醇与水质量比0.4;工艺优化后的超细HMX颗粒分散性好,无团聚,安全性不变。
In order to improve the drying performance of superfine nitramine explosive slurry, single factor experiment and response surface experimental design method were used to analyze the influence of vacuum degree, material thickness and mass ratio of ethanol to water on the drying process of superfine HMX slurry. The best drying curve fitting models of superfine HMX were established and the optimal drying process parameters were obtained. Meanwhile, it was verified by experiment. Microstructure and safety of superfine HMX before and after drying process were analyzed by SEM and impact sensitivity test. The results show that drying rate of superfine HMX slurry increases first and then decreases with the increase of vacuum degree, it decreases first and then increases with the increase of material thickness, and it increases with the increase of mass ratio of ethanol to water. The optimal drying parameters of vacuum freeze-drying process of superfine HMX slurry are material thickness of 7 mm, vacuum degree of 50 Pa, and mass ratio of ethanol to water of 0.4. Superfine HMX particles after optimization have good dispersion, no agglomeration, and unchanged safety.


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