 ZHAO Changfang,ZHAO Changxing,REN Jie,et al.Simulation Analysis on Mechanical Characteristics of Jet Penetration onto Liquid Composite Sealed Structure with Hexagon Section[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2020,49(01):8-13.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2020.01.002]





Simulation Analysis on Mechanical Characteristics of Jet Penetration onto Liquid Composite Sealed Structure with Hexagon Section
ZHAO Changfang ZHAO Changxing REN Jie ZU Xudong ZHANG Kebin LU Jiongbiao
① School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
② School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xiangtan University (Hu’nan Xiangtan, 411105)
③ Hubei Sanjiang Aerospace Jianghe Chemical Technology Co., Ltd. (Hubei Yuanan, 444299)
mechanical characteristics structure with hexagon section liquid composite closed structure jet penetration finite element simulation
截面为六边形的液态复合密闭结构抗射流侵彻性能与其受力变形、应力、应变、能量变化息息相关。为了解密闭结构受射流侵彻的力学特点,采用理论分析与数值仿真相结合的方法,开展了研究。理论分析中,推导了射流的剩余头部速度;分析了密闭结构的受压情况,密闭结构微元的柯西(Cauchy)应变、格林(Green)应变、本构关系,侵彻系统的能量变化。数值仿真结果表明:射流侵彻进入液态复合密闭结构后,面板的等效应力从内到外呈环状逐渐递减;竖壁面的等效应力从上到下逐渐增大,在棱边上衰减,在底部集中;射流带动液体运动,进一步扩大背板孔口,并导致液体出现壅塞而产生逆流,使竖壁面产生附加应变;冯?米塞斯(Von Mises)应变集中在液态复合结构孔壁上,Green等效应变集中在密闭结构底部的内棱边上、以及面板和背板的孔口处;射流25 μs时开始侵彻液态复合密闭结构,射流、密闭结构、液体的能量均发生明显变化。
Anti-jet penetration performance of liquid composite sealed structure with hexagon section is closely related to applied force, deformation, stress, strain, and energy variation. In order to understand the mechanical characteristics of sealing structure subjected to jet penetration, theoretical analysis and numerical simulation were used. In theoretical analysis, the residual head velocity of the jet was derived. Pressure, Cauchy strain, Green strain, constitutive relation, and energy of the penetration system were analyzed. The numerical simulation results show that the equivalent stress decreases from inside to outside on the panel, increases of from upside to downside on the vertical wall, attenuates at the edge and concentrates at the bottom upon the jet penetration onto the liquid composite sealed structure with hexagon section. The jet drives the liquid to move, to expand further the orifice of back plate, leading to the choking of liquid and subsequent countercurrent, and additional strain on vertical wall. Von Mises equivalent strain is concentrated on the hole wall of the liquid composite structure, and the Green equivalent strain is concentrated on the inner edge of the bottom of the sealed structure, as well as on the orifice of the panel and the back plate. The jet begins to penetrate the liquid composite structure at 25 μs, and the energy of jet and sealing structure and liquid are all change significantly.


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