 ZHANG Wenyi,LI Yuyan,PAN Feng,et al.Flame Propagation and Ignition Properties of Propane-Oxygen Premixed Gas[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2019,48(04):27-32.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2019.04.005]





Flame Propagation and Ignition Properties of Propane-Oxygen Premixed Gas
章文义 李玉艳②③潘峰②③郑俊杰②③
ZHANG Wenyi LI Yuyan②③ PAN Feng②③ ZHENG Junjie②③
①Command and Tactic Department, Jiangsu Police Institute (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210031)
②School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
③National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for Industrial Explosive Materials (Jiangsu Nanjing, 210094)
flame propagation minimum ignition energy inhibition effect initial pressure
采用有机玻璃管装置,研究了丙烷-氧气预混气体在管道中的火焰传播特性及最小点火能。研究表明:3种惰性气体(CO2、N2、Ar)均明显降低了预混气体火焰在管道中的加速进程;其中,CO2抑制效果最为显著,其次是N2和Ar。点火敏感电极间距为2 mm。最小点火能(E)随混合气体初始压力的增大而减小,初始压力为100 kPa时,0.16 mJ<E <0.32 mJ;当压力降至30 kPa时,2.00 mJ<E <3.00 mJ。
Flame propagation characteristics and the minimum ignition energy of propane-oxygen premixed gas were studied using PMMA tube. The results show that all the three inert gases significantly reduce the acceleration process of the flame in the tube, among which the inhibition effect of CO2 is the most significant, followed by N2 and Ar. The ignition energy sensitive electrode gap is 2 mm. The minimum ignition energy (E) decreases with the increase of the initial pressure of the mixture. When the initial pressure is 100 kPa, there is 0.16 mJ<E<0.32 mJ. When the pressure drops to 30 kPa, there is 2.00 mJ<E<3.00 mJ.


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通信作者:郑俊杰(1973~),女,高级工程师,主要从事含能材料方面的研究。E-mail: 839829396@qq.com
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-07-04