[1]于佳佳①②,薛兵①②,袁一超③,等.LTQ Orbitrap XL 对嫌疑爆炸物的痕量分析[J].爆破器材,2018,47(02):22-27,32.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2018.02.005]
 YU Jiajia,XUE Bing,YUAN Yichao,et al.Trace Detection of Suspected Explosives by LTQ Orbitrap XL[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2018,47(02):22-27,32.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2018.02.005]

LTQ Orbitrap XL 对嫌疑爆炸物的痕量分析()




Trace Detection of Suspected Explosives by LTQ Orbitrap XL
YU Jiajia①②XUE Bing①②YUAN YichaoQI Xiaojun①②
① Shanghai Institute of Spacecraft Equipment (Shanghai, 200240) 
② Shanghai Yuda Industrial Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, 200240) 
③Xi'an Aerospace Precision Electromechanical Institute (Shaanxi Xi'an, 710199)
爆炸物电喷雾离子(ESI)源高分辨轨道离子阱质谱仪LTQ Orbitrap XL
explosives electron spray ionization high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometer LTQ Orbitrap XL
Diversity has caused great difficulties in the security detection of explosives. Therefore, it is important to choose an identical analytical method for multiple explosives detection. A high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometry with electron spray ionization (ESI) source was utilized for identifying sixteen kinds of commonly used explosives. The results show that the molecular ionic peaks can be identified for eleven explosives, while fragment peaks can easily be detected for the other five explosives. Thus, the mixture of the sixteen explosives can be successfully filtered. Electron spray ionization is a kind of soft ionization way, it is useful to detect several explosives with high resolution orbitrap and suitable for security detection.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2018-03-23