 SU Ying,WU Li,PENG Yaxiong,et al.Research Review on Safety Criterion of Underwater Blasting Nearby Constructions[J].EXPLOSIVE MATERIALS,2016,45(03):55-61.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8352.2016.03.012]





Research Review on Safety Criterion of Underwater Blasting Nearby Constructions
SU Ying①② WU Li PENG Yaxiong ZHOU Ruifeng SU Xiaomao
①City College,Wuhan University of Science and Technology (Hubei Wuhan,430083)
②China University of Geoscieneces (Wuhan) (Hubei Wuhan, 430074)
③Hunan Chuangyi Blasting Engineering Co., Ltd. (Hunan Changsha, 410001)
safety criterion vibration velocity vibration frequency vibration duration delay interval of differential blasting
Evaluation indexes for the safety performance of structures under the underwater blasting were briefly expounded, and the application of the single vibration amplitude criterion to the safety performance evaluation under this circumstance was analyzed. Besides, the theoretical research methods of the dual-factor vibrating velocity-frequency safety criterion as well as the national current standards were introduced. From the above, the lack of the consideration and application scope of both criterions in the safety performance evaluation of blasting vibration was discussed. Based on the cumulative damage mechanism and the vibration superposition theory, the effect that the blasting vibration duration and the differential blasting delay interval result in the safety performance of structures was studied. It was proposed that the safety criterion of blasting vibration should be improved from two aspects, the blasting vibration duration and differential blasting delay interval, and the ideal millisecond delay intervals should be applied in practical engineering to achieve optimal effect of vibration reduction.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2016-05-13